This Bubble is a Balloon
- Demand has potential to accelerate at much higher pace.
- Thinning probability of hitting bull's eye. (Finding new wells)
- Limited E&P players, who know the geology better and thus the limitations.
- Extra-ordinary high E&P cost.
However, the current spike in oil prices can be attributed to the coming hurricane season in the US gulf. NOAA has yet again predicted an above nornmal season with 2-5 major hurricanes during the season. We are seeing USA hauling up more crude and gearing up for the rainy days and speculators are pumping in money to reap rich reward on account of disaster. During the last few days, some of the over-reaction has recoiled, just to be unleashed at the slightest provocation at later stage.
Our needs are growing into addiction and 'WE and our needs' is the fastest expanding bubble. We ought to adapt to nature and find comfort out there. On the contrary we are building a fragile cocoon around us which does support our whims and fancies at the moment but the day it shatters, we may not be able to face the fury of nature.